The 3 T's to conquering the audition rounds

Jan 05, 2024

The stamina needed for these audition rounds are no easy feat.


Sometimes applicants have first round, recalls or finals all sandwiched into one week! Nevermind the travelling, the uploading time, the sorting of self tape equipment; the emotional energy and the physical exhaustion of staying open and present... and they say acting is easy hey ;)


It's SO so important to be able to keep your stamina and conquer your auditions with your full energy and acting vessel at its optimum rate. So how can you do that? Keep on reading!



Welcome to the three T's to help YOU conquer these audition rounds.


1. Tenacity

You need to adopt a tenacious attitude when you're applying to these competitive programmes and competitive schools. The competition at drama schools can be high with schools getting 2k-5k applicants a year with a 1% success rate. So you must remember to have a tenacious and determined approach. Think about your career like a long haul rather than everything must go right in these next 12 months. Mindset work is incredibly significant ( I have found) from clients getting IN to these top places.


2. Time

Sometimes it's just not our time. And that's okay!

It's so easy to compare ourselves to others and compare what they're doing but we all have our own journey and we must trust in the fact that when it's our turn, it will be. It's okay if this wasn't your year so it might be next year. TRUST in the timing of your life. I always like to say to my clients "you're exactly where you're supposed to be."


3. Tuning In

When you walk in that room, when you press start on that zoom call, when you meet the panel, I want you to TUNE IN to the moment that you're in. Give yourself that time and allow yourself to really be present. Also tune in to where you are right now and step into gratitude! 


Hope this has been helpful!

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