The 3 R's to getting past the FIRST round of drama school

Jan 05, 2024

Stuck on not getting past the first round at drama school?

Confused as to why you're always getting the same results?

Perhaps it could be these three things... keep on reading!


Welcome to the three R's to help YOU get into drama school!

Super quick stop tour let's go!!


1. Range

Make sure you've got more than two pieces when you're applying to drama school. Sometimes when you get to the recall and the final recall stages, schools want to see a little something extra than what you brought the first round. So make sure you've left something extra in your back pocket.


2. Research

Kake sure you research the school that you're applying to. schools want to know that you can essentially they want to know that you know the ethos, and you resonate with what the school stands for. So make sure you research the school.


3. Resilience

It is so so vital as an actor to have resilience. And here are audition access. I can give you tips and tricks and the confidence to help you find that resilience and I believe we all have it inside of us.


Which R do you think you need to focus on more? Pop me a DM and let me know what you think :) Hope this has been helpful!

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