
Dec 22, 2023


Why do we need to do it? What is the point of it?

Redirection is probably one of the biggest factors of your audition process!

Even in your recall stage, you probably will get redirected as they will want to know ...

  1. Can I help you?
  2. Can I work with you?
  3. Can I mould you?

It gives them an insight into your personality, and how you listen to voices who are above you, and it gives them an insight into your talents.

It's so important for you to show up in this redirection situation.

So my first protocol with redirection is you need to fundamentally know your piece inside out. Because one of the biggest things you probably will tackle is, who are you talking to? Where are you, what's just happened and why is this important?

You might hear something like why don't we just go do this for example, and it may leave you stumped because you've not done the work!

So What does the work look like J?

A lot of people work in many different ways, but for me, it's making sure that you are equipped as much as possible, knowing the ins and outs of how your character manages information, distress, conflict, the people who are in the scene of the monologue... so many different types of things the list could go on.

What's the kind of context of the play itself, the context of the year, the socio-economic time of the country that you're in? Who's number one in the charts of your year that your play is set? All these things matter!

So they might for example, give you a bit of redirection  "Okay, so I want you do it like you're in the 1990s" So think about how your character would gel with the idea of the 90's.

Do they know what it is?

Were they born in the 90s?

Does this make sense to your character?

...maybe one of their favourite singers is from the 90s. And maybe you've done that work and then you start singing a 90s tune and in your redirection?

Because you've done the work. You know your character inside or inside out as much as possible so that nothing kind of throws you!

My number one for redirection is know your characters inside out so nothing can throw you!

Reading the play, being imaginative with how you prepare your monologue. Think of your character's backstory, all these types of things.

The physicality is a big one!

The second thing I want to say about redirection is to know how to fulfil it more.

It's letting go of the outcome of what you think it's going to be and actually just entering a space of flow in the moment. 

How do you enter the space of flow J?

By breathing, releasing, finding flow into your body, finding your ground, finding your earth... and it's definitely a physical thing as well! This is why I focus so much on physical work in Actors All Star Access every month because it comes into everything.

If you're starting from a place of tension, and they're asking you to be HERE in the moment,  you will never get to that place because you're not in flow.

How to get relaxed for redirection!

Get yourself to...

  1. A movement class - Actors All Star Access for example
  2. Go for a run
  3. Go to a dance class 
  4. Do some yoga (I would really recommend Yoga with Adriene on YouTube)

It's super duper important, and they will be able to tell if you are connected with your body, and of course, you're coming to drama school to learn these things. But give yourself give yourself a helping hand to get to that next level!

 Get in your body so that when you come to be redirection, you're not going to be thrown off by doing a kind of movement task because you've already kind of moved yourself in that way beforehand.

Essentially know your pieces, give it 110% and make sure you are in your body so that you can release, relieve tension, and come into this new direction that they've directed you in.

And if you want to take this further and you want to work with me specifically on redirection, come join me in my classes and courses below :)